Video Production

苏菲是一名美国电视导演及主持人。她 是全球大受欢迎的网络剧《性感北 京》的创作者兼主持人。她是一位 有超过20年记录中国生活的影视制 作人兼记者。她曾在哥伦比亚大学 学习中国电影并在加州大学伯克利 学院学习,获得哥伦比亚大学新闻 传媒学位,并在北京生活多年,汉 语流利。她是一位小说家曾今在美 国和英国出版过一些讲90年代的北 京的短片小说。她是天津卫视 《ECO HERO绿色英雄》的常驻主 持人,并通过自己的真人秀《性感 北京》获得了土豆网“最佳原创纪 录片”大奖,在Youtube和中国网 络分享上有1500多万的点击量。

Anna Sophie Loewenberg is a filmmaker with over a decade of experience documenting life in China. She is the co-creator and face of "Sexy Beijing" a bilingual, viral video series with over 20 million views; she was also a producer and host on Tianjin TV’s show Eco Hero, about the most pressing environmental issues facing China today. She has lectured on Chinese film at Columbia University and The University of California at Berkeley. Anna Sophie has an M.S. from the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism, and after living in Beijing P.R.C. for many years, she is fluent in Mandarin.

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